
Showing posts from July, 2021

Day 1 • The Fun They Had (Not by Isaac Asimov)

Know what's best about drama?  Go on, try guessing.  That's right. The emotions. The Wild faces of the children trying to express their excitement, their sadness, their happiness, their sorrow, and many more emotions. It's a sight worth seeing. Such beauty.  Their smiles, their frowns, their smirks, their incredulous faces. It's the best part of the drama.  Today, on 24.07.2021 we were assigned an activity by the Great  Vaishali mam, a drama icon, according to our children. Oh, The Fun They Had.  Grade 6 to 8 had an activity where they had to separate themselves into groups, pick a genre, a word, and create a story. Each of the groups picked different genre s, some even multiple genres infused together. Sure, they had a few conflicts of interest, but that's all a part of teamwork, right?  And as for grade 9 and above, not to worry, they were given a fun activity as well.  Although their activity was much more advanced than the lower grade's activity, it was fun