Day 2 • Once Upon a Time...

Date: 28.8.2021

Once upon a time, there were a bunch of bored kids. One day (28/8/2021) to banish their boredom they joined the prestigious house of drama. Their host was a passionate fairy godmother (Ms. Vaishali Chakravarty). She taught them to shed their inhibitions and embrace their natural talents of acting through a series of physical and vocal exercises. She then set them to the task of making freeze frames along with their companions in separate rooms of the house. The elementary kids were asked to perform stories of specific genres created by them, while the high school students enacted interviews of the Taliban crisis in Afghanistan. The elementary kids refurbished the stories they had created and prepared to perform them on the stage, while the high school kids found information about the Taliban and the events in Afghanistan and prepared it into a play. At the end of the day, the children were freed from the shackles of boredom and were promoted to the next stage of acting.

By the witch crew Priya, Snigdha, Vasudha, and Pooja


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